Sodium: Friend or Foe?

Sodium: Friend or Foe?


Recently Panacheeza has been inundated with questions about our sodium content, which is a good thing because it means people are paying attention to what they put in their bodies! We put together a small guide to what sodium is, where it comes from and why it is essential to our bodily function.




Sodium + Chloride= Salt  

In one teaspoon (6g) of table salt there is 2,325.5 mg of sodium, which is the maximum full daily value intake for adults

Sodium is a mineral found in many foods that your body requires for normal muscle and nerve functions and also helps keep body fluids in balance. 


Types of Natural Salt


Table Salt is usually mined from underground salt deposits and processed which strips the salt of its other minerals. It's often fortified with iodine, plus an additive to prevent clumping for ease of use. 


Sea Salt is obtained directly through the evaporation of seawater. It undergoes minimal processing, which often leaves it with an uneven or darker color due to trace minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium.


Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is harvested from ancient underground sea beds in Pakistan that were covered by lava around 200 million years ago. Like sea salt, it is minimally processed, featuring larger crystals and contains 84 essential trace elements needed by the body, which contribute to its distinctive pink hue. Hand-mined and ground, Himalayan Sea Salt offers an even more natural option, having formed organically over millennia.



Sodium is a naturally occurring mineral present in many places, including soils, plants, water, and foods. It's also the sixth most abundant element on Earth. The body requires sodium to regulate blood pressure and fluid balance, but too much can increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Most adults need between 1,500 mg - 2300 mg of sodium per day. And it's best to limit intake to less than 2,300 mg per day to reduce the risk of chronic disease. Eating fresh, whole foods, like fruits and vegetables, can help maintain healthy sodium levels.


Sodium is commonly added to various food products in forms such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and sodium benzoate. Processed foods are a major contributor to sodium intake, with over 70% of dietary sodium coming from packaged and prepared foods. This makes it challenging to manage sodium consumption since it is already present before purchase. Added sodium is frequently used in processed foods as a preservative, stabilizer, and color enhancer.




Too much and too little sodium can be problematic. The human body cannot produce sodium, so we need to ingest it daily. Sodium is essential for human function and is the most concentrated electrolyte in our blood. While sodium is found in almost all foods, the amount can vary significantly.  

An individual's salt sensitivity is genetically determined. Salt-sensitive individuals may develop hypertension and heart issues from chronically high salt intake, while those with low salt sensitivity can remain healthy even when consuming identical amounts. Research suggests that instead of restricting sodium intake, those with high salt sensitivity should focus on a whole foods diet aimed at weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity, which could lower their salt sensitivity and reduce disease risk.

It's important to note that we are unlikely to over consume salt by eating foods in their natural form. Excess sodium intake primarily results from consuming ultra-processed foods daily. These foods are also laden with highly inflammatory processed oils, refined sugar, and gut-destroying emulsifiers. Therefore, sodium-linked health issues are likely a consequence of eating junk food and physical inactivity.




The sodium levels in Panacheeza are derived from Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. In one serving of Panacheeza (1 tbsp/9g), there is 85 mg of sodium, or 4% of the Daily Value (DV) required for an adult based on a 2,000-calorie diet. 

At Panacheeza we pride ourselves on using ingredients you can pronounce while offering the creamy texture and meltability of natural cheese. It's not about what we use, but what we don't!


Disclaimer: This article discusses sodium use in the general population. If you have been prescribed a low-sodium diet by your healthcare professional, or need to adhere to a specialized diet to manage a condition, the following information may not apply to you.

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